
On this site you will find various health forms and general health information.

When you enroll your child in the Gateway School District medical information regarding your child’s overall health condition is requested from the school nurses office in order to help support your child’s health and well being.

In order to accurately assist your child with specific health care needs, documentation from your child’s physician is required. We appreciate your assistance and assure you that information provided to the school nurses will be kept confidential and will only be used to support your child’s health care needs.

Please remember that it is your responsibility to update the emergency contact information in Skyward if / when you change phone numbers.

Parents of medically fragile children are encouraged to obtain their child abuse clearances in order to go with their children on field trips. The medication form that parents and physicians fill out in order to have medication at school has a line about field trips, this line helps us to prepare for field trips.  The physician needs to indicate if the medication can be omitted, be self-administered by the student, or given before or after the trip.  

Please do not send your child to school if he/she has any of the following problems: Vomiting, diarrhea, fever over 100.0 F, any suspected contagious condition, a rash of undetermined origin, and a cough or cold that will prevent full classroom participation.

We look forward working with you and your student this year.