District Health Council

The District Health Council (DHC) is comprised of, but not necessarily limited to, at least one (1) of each of the following: School Board member, district administrator, district food service representative, student, parent/guardian, school health professional, physical education teacher and member of the public. It shall be the goal that council membership will include representatives from each school building and reflect the diversity of the community.[2]

The DHC shall serve as an advisory committee regarding student health issues and shall be responsible for developing, implementing and periodically reviewing and updating a School Wellness policy that complies with law to recommend to the Board for adoption.

The DHC shall review and consider evidence-based strategies and techniques in establishing goals for nutrition education and promotion, physical activity and other school based activities that promote student wellness as part of the policy development and revision process.

Click on the link below to view the District's Student Wellness Policy as published on "Board Docs."

Gateway SD Student Wellness Policy No. 246