Senior Unofficial Transcript

Current Senior GHS UNOFFICAL Transcript

Please see your designated counselor to help you with the following:

Letter of Recommendation

Your transcript is “unofficial” while you are an active student here at GHS.

It is your responsibility to have “Official” test scores sent to the college/university you are applying to.   

AP Test Scores –

2023 Graduates Official Transcripts

Official Transcripts (After Graduation) are emailed/mailed directly from the counseling office to the designated school or agency. 

Official transcripts are NOT given to students, coaches, or parents.

Transcript requests must be submitted to the counseling office TWO WEEKS PRIOR to their postmark deadline.

In late May, OFFICIALTRANSCRIPT REQUEST forms will be distributed at Graduation Rehearsal and inside your Graduation Envelope. 

It is imperative that you inform Mrs. Manso at where to send your "OFFICIAL" transcript. Failure to do so may affect your ability to schedule for classes in college. 

Final transcripts are mailed approximately one month after graduation.

By filling out the Transcript Request Form I authorize Gateway High School counseling office to send a transcript of your high school record to include the following information: grades, attendance, and weighted and unweighted cumulative average to any and all colleges/universities to which you apply. You understand that, should the colleges/universities request information regarding discipline, your signature also authorizes the counseling office to release details only from your official discipline record.


*Please note that Final Transcripts WILL NOT be sent to any college, technical schools or any other post high school educational experiences until ALL obligations are met.